The Rocket Company would like to sell you their Complete Preaching System for $599. In addition to the modular learning on the following subjects, you will get video coaching, audio coaching and written coaching. You will also get other materials? Is it worth it? For me, $599 is a lot of money and honestly, with as many small churches as there are in America, I don't understand where all the pastors are that buy these service. I believe that with my shelf of books on preaching, I can cover most, if not all of the topics below, at a fraction of the cost. I think that I can also get coaching from peers or others for less than $599. What do you think? ed.
Module 1: How to Build a Great Sermon
Module 1: How to Build a Great Sermon
- How to effectively structure your message
- How to prepare your sermon with the listener in mind
- How to structure your weekly schedule so you carve out sufficient time to prepare
Module 2: Sermons That Stick
- You will learn how to craft a memorable bottom line
- Crafting a bottom line is summarizing your sermon in a sentence to drive home the Gospel truth in the hearts of your congregation
Module 3: Seeking Feedback and Dealing with Critics
- You will learn the importance of structured feedback for consistent improvement and how to find it
- Dealing with criticism in a healthy way can be tricky, so knowing when to say something or not is key
Module 4: A Preaching Calendar Made Easy
- No matter what your preaching style is, having a clear plan will help you lead people from where they are to where God wants them to be
- This module will help you plan annually, monthly and weekly
Module 5: Preaching to the Unchurched
- Your audience includes people at different stages of their spiritual journey and it’s important to prepare with all of them in mind
- This module focuses on the unchurched people who are possibly giving God and the church one more shot
Module 6: The Crucial First Five Minutes
- This module will teach you how to connect with people in the first five minutes so you win the right to be heard
- You will learn the two things you must have in your introduction along with examples of good and bad ones
Module 7: Preaching That Elicits a Response
- You don’t preach just so people will hear and then do nothing with it
- This module will help you create simple action steps for people to take when they leave the weekend service
Module 8: Preaching the Gospel
- You have been called to preach the Gospel, but it’s not always easy
- You will learn new ways to preach the Gospel in relevant ways people can relate to
Module 9: Becoming a Master of Stories and Illustrations
- This module will give you tips to involve stories into your message
- We will teach you how to help people relate your sermon to their lives and engage them
Module 10: How to Create a Preaching Dream Team
- Two are better than one and so you shouldn’t be preparing alone all the time
- This module will help you create and effectively use a team of people to preach the Gospel in your church
Module 11: The Greatest Tool in Your Toolbox
- This module will teach you four steps to improve your preparation process
- You will learn how to make your preparation process more personal and inspiring for a more meaningful message
Module 12: The Missing Ingredient that will Change Everything
- We believe your church will only be as healthy as you are
- In this module, we are going to talk about your emotional and spiritual lives and help you become the healthiest leader for your church
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